Chapter 175 Like a duck to water

The best tool to realize precision measurement is laser, because the amplitude of laser beam is very narrow, which generally does not exceed 5 nanometers, and the highest can reach tens of nanometers, which can ensure the accuracy of micron level.
This is like a measuring ruler, an ordinary micrometer, and the difference between a laser beam and a natural micrometer.
After careful consideration, Liu Meijuan decided to adopt laser scanning and three-dimensional modeling technology to solve the technical problem of machining precision measurement.
Three-dimensional modeling is software technology, which is the strength of dolphin science and technology. Laser technology China is the only technology that has reached the advanced level in the world.
These two technologies are China’s strengths. By adopting these two technologies, the two technical problems that China is not good at are avoided.
Dolphin Technology, which specializes in laser scanning precision mechanical parts, has imported five-axis combined machine tools, which can easily solve this problem.
In other words, Dolphin Technology has never stopped buying imported machine tools. In a few months, it bought three sets and spent more than 30 million yuan.
When you press the key, you can send a field. For example, in laser scanning technology, you must have high-precision moving parts that can move left and right. Otherwise, let’s scan it.
Dolphin technology is lucky. Liu Meijuan bought imported modular machine tools in 1995, but it is not so easy this year.
The notorious Wassenaar Agreement was established by the first 40 developed countries in Europe and America, which is an organization to limit the loss of advanced technology and equipment specifically for socialist countries like China.
It is an excellent time to replace the advantages of dolphin technology mentioned in the Batumi Agreement that expired in 1994, and imported three precision modular machine tools.
There is a saying in China that all roads lead to Rome, and so does precision surveying technology. It is not necessary to follow the old road in Europe and America.
China, a high-hardness alloy material, is a short board. There is no shortcut to this surface, and a professional laboratory can be set up to study it.
What science and technology are developing so fast in China in the 21st century? The root cause is that China’s wealth can attract outstanding foreign Chinese scientists to return to China for development.
That is to say, talents in the field of scientific research are one aspect, and funds are also an important reason.
Doing scientific research is very expensive, and China is short of money everywhere at this time. The emergence of dolphin technology has given scientists another choice.
In the field of basic scientific research, Liu Meijuan was willing to spend money. She decided to take the opportunity to set up a superhard alloy research institute.
Liu Meijuan knows that there are shortcuts in this area, and many enterprises in Europe and America are not large in scale. Unfortunately, they closed down. After Dolphin Technology, they can buy these enterprises in the name of overseas registered leather bag companies.
In fact, China has also adopted the same means of development, but Liu Meijuan is nearly twenty years earlier.
Liu Meijuan made a decision, and Wang Yong immediately carried out his first sentence the next day to call Zhu Tao.
After Zhu Tao’s greetings, Wang Yong nodded and said, "Manager Zhu was officially approved by Director Liu for the NC machine tool project.
According to the actual situation in China, the first precision measurement problem of your two questions is to adopt laser scanning and three-dimensional modeling technology instead of grating measurement technology.
The second problem of high hardness tool materials can be imported in the early stage, and the company will also invest in setting up a cemented carbide research institute to study alloy materials technology.
In addition, the company will recruit ten five-level technicians for your project team. The basic salary of the machine tool industry technicians will start at 3,000, and the age of the seven-level technicians can be relaxed to 60. His treatment is similar.
How’s it going? You should have no problem! "
"Thank you, boss! Thanks, boss! I have no more questions. "
Zhu Tao quickly thanked and promised that the boss’s wife of shop-owner had helped him solve almost all the problems. If he dares to criticize again, he will be careful of his jobs.
The current personnel recruitment is that the personnel department directly applied for approval from Wang Yong and then handed it over to the personnel department for recruitment. Wang Yong directly gave him ten mechanic places, which is a great support.
In the field of machining, there is no shortage of technicians in Yangcheng, but the requirements of level 5 technicians are a bit high. Wang Yong has given a starting salary of 3,000 yuan plus room and board, and the preferential conditions for paid holidays are relatively good
This kind of salary is not to say that it is a job-hunting mechanic. I am afraid that some workers will jump ship and come to Dolphin Science and Technology Institute for ten people. It is easy.
It was Liu Meijuan who made the decision to pay such a high salary to senior technicians. She learned from the increasingly stupid German method of attaching importance to blue-collar workers and treated ordinary technicians and engineers to the same level.
If Zhang Zhidong Zhu Tao’s research topic is full of difficulties, Song Qingwei’s choice of factory digital transformation project is almost like a duck to water.
Of course, it is not as simple as eating and drinking water. The main reason is that the intelligent control system project team he leads is just good at intelligent technology transformation.
Don’t forget that the engineer of the intelligent control system project team led by him has been used to thinking about problems and is the most creative department in the whole company.
So Song Qingwei thinks more. He is not limited to digital transformation, but wants to build a new smart factory model.
Digital transformation is another name for paper office. The advantage is quick response. What materials do factory cars need with brains? How much is produced every day? What is the scrap rate? etc
A production management software can be instantly entered by company managers through the brain networking car managers, so that the company can make quick decisions and quickly deploy improvements.
Strictly speaking, compared with the unified production mode, this is a very great progress, which can significantly improve the production efficiency and yield
However, digital transformation is not a new concept, but the smart factory imagined by Song Qingwei is an epoch-making industrial revolution, and the difficulty of the two is not the same.
Song Qingwei’s confidence comes from his intelligent control system project team, which has more than 50 software and hardware engineers.
Young people with big brains. This is a great force. Miao Wei is the best among them
Intelligent factory is an intelligent production line with synchronous upgrade of software and hardware instead of a manual production line.
When it comes to intelligent production lines, it is absolutely inseparable from intelligent mechanical arms or industrial intelligent robots.
There are two grades of intelligent manipulator. One is that it can do a certain kind of work fixedly, and it is relatively rigid and controlled by a preset program.
Another is that the intelligent mechanical arm of flexible production line can change the working mode at will and walk around, which is no longer limited to fixed stations.
At this stage, Song Qingwei is taking the first technical grade rice, eating it bit by bit, from easy to difficult, and then escalating.

Fastest update
Chapter 176 Song Qingwei Assumption

Song Qingwei returned to the intelligent control system project department on the third floor after attending the temporary meeting of Wang Yongzhao.
He called all the software and hardware engineers and five excellent mechanical engineers for a brainstorming meeting.
The so-called conference room is a dormitory room with more than 20 square meters. When more than 50 people pour into it, each person has an area of less than half a square meter, and each person also brings a stool, which is like squeezing oil residue.
The meeting room seemed to stir up a hornet’s nest, and the conversation was noisy for a long time. Song Qingwei was unhappy, and he coughed heavily for two times before he was quiet.
"Everyone knows that because the company’s chips have not been developed, everyone has nothing to do. The boss had to give us a seven-day long vacation.
Today is the first day after the holiday. Is there anything to do? Not really!
What is more troublesome is that this situation will continue for several months, which is optimistic. It is estimated that there may be no chips this year.

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在这个快节奏的生活中,人们越来越注重身心健康。长沙蒸浴休闲中心应运而生,成为都市中一处让人身心焕然一新的养生圣地。这里不仅提供了舒适的蒸浴环境,还融合了多种养生理念,让每一位来到这里的顾客都能享受到一场独特的休闲之旅。 一、环境优雅,氛围宜人 长沙蒸浴休闲中心位于市中心繁华地段,交通便利。步入中心,仿佛进入了一个与世隔绝的宁静之地。优雅的装修风格、宽敞的休息区、清新的空气,让人瞬间放松身心。在这里,你可以放下生活中的疲惫,尽情享受宁静与舒适。 二、专业设备,安全可靠 长沙蒸浴休闲中心拥有先进的蒸浴设备,采用天然材料,安全可靠。蒸浴室内温度适中,湿度适宜,让顾客在享受蒸浴的过程中,既能达到养生保健的目的,又能避免过热或过冷对身体造成伤害。此外,中心还设有独立的更衣室和洗浴区,保障顾客的隐私和安全。 三、多种蒸浴方式,满足不同需求 长沙蒸浴休闲中心提供多种蒸浴方式,满足不同顾客的需求。传统石板蒸、盐蒸、药浴、桑拿等,让顾客在蒸浴过程中,既能促进血液循环,又能排出体内毒素。此外,中心还设有情侣间、家庭间等私密空间,让情侣和家庭在享受蒸浴的同时,也能增进感情。 四、专业服务,贴心关怀 长沙蒸浴休闲中心拥有一支专业的服务团队,为顾客提供周到的服务。从顾客踏入中心的那一刻起,工作人员就会热情地引导顾客进入蒸浴区,并详细介绍蒸浴的注意事项。在蒸浴过程中,服务人员会定期巡查,确保顾客的安全。此外,中心还提供茶水、点心等休闲食品,让顾客在享受蒸浴的同时,也能品尝美食。 五、养生课程,提升健康意识 长沙蒸浴休闲中心注重顾客的养生意识,定期举办各类养生课程。如瑜伽、太极、茶艺等,帮助顾客在忙碌的生活中,学会如何养生、保健。此外,中心还邀请专业医师为顾客提供健康咨询,让顾客了解自己的身体状况,制定适合自己的养生方案。 总之,长沙蒸浴休闲中心是一个集养生、休闲、娱乐于一体的综合性场所。在这里,你可以尽情享受蒸浴带来的身心愉悦,提升自己的健康意识。在这个快节奏的时代,不妨给自己一个放松的机会,来到长沙蒸浴休闲中心,开启一场身心焕然的养生之旅。


导语:作为湖南省首家五星级酒店,长沙华天大酒店不仅以其优雅的环境和优质的服务赢得了广大顾客的青睐,其桑拿服务更是独具特色,为宾客带来一场身心放松的极致体验。本文将为您全面介绍长沙华天酒店的桑拿服务,让您提前领略这里的独特魅力。 一、酒店桑拿设施 长沙华天大酒店的桑拿中心位于酒店内部,环境幽雅,设施齐全。桑拿中心拥有多个独立的桑拿房,其中包括: 1. 蒸汽桑拿房:采用天然温泉蒸汽,帮助宾客排除体内毒素,促进血液循环,缓解疲劳。 2. 干蒸桑拿房:利用高温干燥的环境,加速新陈代谢,增强免疫力。 3. 湿蒸桑拿房:通过蒸汽作用于身体,达到放松肌肉、缓解疼痛的效果。 4. 水疗桑拿房:结合水疗设备,进行全身按摩,舒缓身心。 二、桑拿服务项目 长沙华天酒店的桑拿服务项目丰富多样,满足不同宾客的需求: 1. 桑拿体验:专业桑拿师为宾客提供全程服务,指导宾客正确使用桑拿设备,确保安全。 2. 按摩服务:在桑拿结束后,提供专业按摩服务,帮助宾客缓解疲劳,放松身心。 3. 健康咨询:桑拿师根据宾客的体质和需求,提供个性化的健康咨询和建议。 4. 中医理疗:结合中医理论,采用中药泡浴、针灸、拔罐等方法,调理身体,增强体质。 三、特色服务 长沙华天酒店桑拿中心还提供以下特色服务: 1. 家庭套餐:为家庭游客提供专属的桑拿套餐,让家人共享健康与欢乐。 2. 生日庆祝:为庆祝生日,酒店提供特色生日蛋糕和饮品,为宾客送上温馨祝福。 3. 亲子活动:为亲子游客提供亲子桑拿套餐,增进亲子感情。 4.


随着生活节奏的加快,人们越来越注重身心健康。在长沙,洗蒸桑拿已经成为了一种时尚的休闲方式。近日,我有幸体验了一次长沙的洗蒸桑拿,带给大家一篇详细攻略,让你感受不一样的健康生活。 一、长沙洗蒸桑拿的种类 1. 湘式桑拿:以湖南地方特色为主,采用湖南特有的植物香料,如薄荷、艾叶等,让人在享受桑拿的同时,还能感受到浓郁的湖南风情。 2. 瑞士桑拿:以瑞士传统桑拿为主,设备先进,环境优雅,是商务人士、养生爱好者理想的选择。 3. 混合桑拿:结合了湘式桑拿和瑞士桑拿的特点,既保留了湖南地方特色,又融入了现代科技,满足不同人群的需求。 二、长沙洗蒸桑拿的流程 1. 入场:首先,需要换上桑拿中心提供的浴巾、拖鞋等物品。然后,到前台办理入场手续,领取桑拿房卡。 2. 淋浴:在进入桑拿房之前,先在淋浴区清洗干净身体,为桑拿做好准备。 3. 桑拿:根据个人喜好选择桑拿房,如单人间、双人间或多人间。在桑拿房内,将身体暴露在高温环境中,通过出汗来排除体内毒素。 4. 蒸汽浴:在桑拿房外,可以选择蒸汽浴,让身体在湿润的环境中放松,缓解疲劳。 5. 冷泉:在桑拿后,到冷泉区进行冷泉浴,有助于收缩毛孔,促进血液循环。 6. 休息:桑拿后,在休息区休息片刻,补充水分,恢复体力。 三、长沙洗蒸桑拿的注意事项 1. 饮食:桑拿前后,避免食用油腻、辛辣食物,以免影响桑拿效果。 2. 适度:初次体验桑拿,应从短时间、低温度开始,逐渐适应。 3. 饮水:桑拿过程中,要适量饮水,以防脱水。 4. 疾病:患有高血压、心脏病等疾病的人,不宜进行桑拿。