长沙桑拿论坛,长沙品茶网,长沙夜网论坛 广州98场推荐 But the midwife came out, sweating and trembling hands.

But the midwife came out, sweating and trembling hands.

Chapter 17. Mr Out of the Mountain
Zhang Tianfeng leaned up, piled up smiling faces, handed a red envelope and said with a smile, "Hard work, by the way, who was born?"
"Is it a son or a daughter?"
The midwife smiled and said, "It’s Mrs. Mo who gave birth to a girl. !”
Zhang Tianfeng cracked his mouth and was happier than he gave birth to a woman.
Duan Tiancheng cracked his mouth and just wanted to go in when two eunuchs and servants stopped him.
"I’m sorry, my Lord, but the master has an order that no one is allowed to enter here."
Zhang Tianfeng’s face is strange, and he is wondering, is Brother Fan worried about that? Q: "You can’t either?"
The servant nodded and said, "Yes, before the two sons were all born, only midwives, Miss Wen and the newly recruited Miss Mo could enter."
Zhang Tianfeng frowned and asked, "Miss Mo? Is it a family with Mrs. Mo? "
The eunuch servant shook his head and said, "I don’t think so. Maybe it’s just the same surname."
Zhang Tianfeng licked his mouth, nodded and cocked his head and asked Duan Tiancheng, "What do you think?"
Duan Tiancheng frowned and said, "It makes no sense to be so clever."
Zhang Tianfeng smiled and said, "Let’s go there and talk."
Wu came late with the wind.
Three people together again.
Zhang Tianfeng reached out his paw and slapped Wu’s novel network hard. "I’ll slap you first to make you so wronged."
Wu’s novel network reads: "The night clouds are not there!"
Zhang Tianfeng did not hesitate to put out his paw and slapped it hard. "Listen to me!" "
Two people quiet down again.
Zhang Tianfeng smiled meanly: "I don’t think it’s possible that both of them are surnamed Mo. If it’s too coincidental, there will be something fishy!" So … . . We have to test it. "
Wu asked with the wind, "Why are both surnamed Mo?"
Duan Tiancheng gave a pitying look.
Sure enough, Zhang Tianfeng broke out. . .
. . . . . .
Liu Chang of Yanzhou was lying in a dark room, but at this moment, a voice came from outside the door: "Lord Lin, urgent news about Ji Fan."
Yu Lin’s voice was a little flustered and said, "Keep your voice down!"
Then a faint voice came from outside the back door: "Ji Fan. . . At this moment. . . Request. . . My Lord. . . Ten thousand foot soldiers. . 。”
Liu Chang roared: "What is it?"
Yu Lin pushed the door open and said, "Adoptive father, it’s nothing. It’s just that JiFan at the front line was successfully blocked by us. that’s OK . 。”
Liu Chang opened his eyes and said, "Yu Lin, you go down and the foot soldier stays."
The foot soldier knelt on the ground with his head down and dared not speak.
Yu Lin sighed and said, "Adoptive father, don’t be angry. I have sent an army to round up." Then turned away.
At the moment of turning around, Yu Lin smiled strangely.
Liu Chang’s eyes narrowed, and his heart was even more sad, but there was nothing strange on his face.
The foot soldier bowed his head and was silent.
Liu Chang asked, "What information?"
The foot soldiers hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Majesty, Yu Lin is rebellious and wants to make you angry and deliberately fabricate military intelligence."
Liu Chang asked quietly, "What military situation?"
The foot soldiers said, "It was Ji Fan who attacked Luohe Town."
Liu Chang nodded, then suddenly stood up and pulled out the hanging sword.
The foot soldier said, "Master, no, there are people from Yu Lin outside."
Liu Chang’s eyes flashed with an unknown light and said, "I’m not ready to go out?"
The foot soldiers looked at Liu Chang in consternation, and some didn’t understand Liu Chang’s meaning. Suddenly, his face was pale and his eyes were splitting, looking at a long sword stabbed into his belly.
Liu Chang sighed: "Her talent is great. He is more suitable to be the master of Yanzhou than I am. I was also confused at the beginning, and I climbed to the top and achieved the throne."
"He once persuaded me, but I didn’t listen, and now I regret it."
"I was going to let her go to the wonderful son, and then pass on to her. Now Miaoer is dead and I am sick. "
"Yuer treats me like a biological father. Even if he hurts me, it’s my own fault."
"Now my image as a traitor is deeply rooted in the eyes of the people and can never be reversed."
"Her kill me, it is, plus his operation over the years, stable yanzhou is just around the corner. I am also at ease under the grave. "
"As for you, I can only say I’m sorry."
"But. . . Before that, I had to watch Ji Fan die, and I was willing. "
Although Liu Chang was poisoned, he was still able to resist the pain caused by the whole body. This perseverance is also admirable.

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A month will pass, and the magic gate will face increasing pressure. The reason is that Xuanyuan Tieling, Due Fairy Mountain, Qinghong Fairy House, and Huangji Fairy Gate, which suffered the least losses in the group robbery, have a large number of scattered immortals to join the gate camp. The demon Lord suddenly lost to the Arabian Square, so he had to shrink his front and issue a call-up order to Haixin Mountain and the demons scattered around the country. Of course, the bodhi old zu in Haixin and the devil around can’t just let the magic door be killed by the door alliance. So also sent a large number of devil. The dispute between Tao and the devil intensified, and the magic door was slightly weaker, but it maintained a balance after all.A month will pass, and the magic gate will face increasing pressure. The reason is that Xuanyuan Tieling, Due Fairy Mountain, Qinghong Fairy House, and Huangji Fairy Gate, which suffered the least losses in the group robbery, have a large number of scattered immortals to join the gate camp. The demon Lord suddenly lost to the Arabian Square, so he had to shrink his front and issue a call-up order to Haixin Mountain and the demons scattered around the country. Of course, the bodhi old zu in Haixin and the devil around can’t just let the magic door be killed by the door alliance. So also sent a large number of devil. The dispute between Tao and the devil intensified, and the magic door was slightly weaker, but it maintained a balance after all.

In this regard, Xuanyuan Magic Dust, the leader of the Daomen Alliance, hates the Tibetan Sword Fairy Sect. This ghost fairy Sect has such strong power, but it is neutral.


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