It’s elemental!

Suddenness of small light and element
Instantly close to the gluttonous neck and then cut it with a knife toward the gluttonous neck.
This knife cuts like a gluttonous neck.
But Xiaoguang underestimated the physical strength of the golden beast.
Halfway through it, it found its body stopped.
Xiaoguang wanted to keep trying, but he was slapped to fly.
Gluttony clutching his neck looked angrily in the direction of Xiaoguang.
This damn squirrel!
But at this time, gluttony suddenly felt the sharp sword around him.
He turned his head and found a grass holding a pair of swords and posing an attack on him.
Double knife flow … Rashomon!
Double knife across the gluttony, then half of the neck is broken and the neck is completely broken.
Almost immediately, its head flew up, and its tail severely whipped the small blade.
Small sword body immediately mess fly out.
Two grass swords also lost their combat effectiveness.
Although Tam, Xiaoguang and Xiaojian were all seriously injured at this time.
But gluttonous five lives … There’s only one left!
Chapter 315 The third door was born … Lotus in China!
Gluttonous look around at three pet animals that have lost their combat effectiveness.
With one life left, he was surprised and afraid.
Although he is now the body is a member.
But the doppelganger still has a lot to him.
Because this doppelganger determines whether he can break through the diamond key in the future.
If this doppelganger leaves here like this,
It is also a very headache for gluttony.
After the gluttonous thought that he had started the "field gluttonous feast"
There should be no problem with Liu Yuan, a small silver animal bender.
Even if Liu Yuan has leapfrog combat capability.
But he is a golden beast in two places at once.
The body is not a general gold level. Liu Yuan wants to overcome himself.
Doubt is an idiotic thing.
But he never thought that Liu Yuan could actually put the shadow Kirin power.
Blocked into a weapon and turned into an amazing artifact.
When Liu Yuan was able to reach the silver level, he completely inspired the power of Shadow Kirin.
It’s a weapon, but as a result,
The power of Shadow Kirin Knife has not lost to normal Shadow Kirin.
Two lives were stolen directly by Lu Yuan.
And the performance of Tam’s pet animals is also very unexpected.
Tamhero’s will
Small light elementization
Small sword and double knife flow
These three abilities are not common pet animals can have.
What’s worse, these three guys joined hands.
If it weren’t for his two lives, he would have just fought that battle.
He has completely died in the hands of these three silver pet beasts.
Fortunately, there is no if in this world.
Gluttonous look around.
Liu Yuan holds a knife and inserts it into the ground, half kneeling.
The breath is full of blood.
Show has lost its fighting capacity.
Tam lay with a big hole in his chest.
Even with the heroic will, it was infected with fatal injuries.
But at this time, it has no possibility of getting up again
The situation of Xiaoguang and Xiaojian is similar.
Although the two of them have amazing fighting power, in terms of physical attributes,
It’s all silver.
It’s a gift that they didn’t die when they were hit head-on by gluttony.
It is impossible to continue fighting.
Can be said to be eye-catching
There is no opponent who can continue to fight with him.
Think of this gluttonous heart secretly relieved.
Then he looked at Liu Yuan and said with a smile, "It’s a pity. If you were stronger, I might really have to tell you here."

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